January Happenings

Our class has been super busy already this month!  We have been working on double digit division and learning alllllll the steps required to complete a problem.  Please practice at home with your child because it is very tricky for most of them.  To review the steps yourself, go to mathantics.com and watch the how to videos--he goes through the steps clearly and with good visuals. To divide, it really helps to know multiplication tables--please help your child practice those as well.  

We have been reading a novel, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh.  We read it together and individually in class but may need help with some of the question sheets at home. Last week all of the students completed the assignments on time and didn't need to do any for homework. I will let you know if your child needs to complete pages by Friday.

We have been listening to podcasts on "The Big Fib" which teach us to decipher real information from fake information.  

Our big project right now is making a movie to show at the Winter Festival on February 4.  We are practicing a play and working on making all the props and scene backgrounds.

Tomorrow we will have a lockdown drill. Your child is bringing home an information sheet regarding this, as well as a headlice information sheet, as a case has showed up in our school.

Friday is a Pro-D day!  

Here is our art project from last week...the students really impressed me with their painting skills and creativity to make the project their own style.

Please remind your kids to bring a mask to school, wear it, and wash their hands frequently.  
Have a good week!  Mrs. Weaver
